Our Network & Coverage
Explore a world where connectivity knows no bounds, as we bridge distances and empower communication with a robust network that reaches far and wide.
Calling Coverage
We offer VoIP worldwide, with ULAP Native Calling marked with (*).
Albania* | Cyprus* | Israel* | Namibia | Singapore* |
Algeria | Czech* | Italy* | Netherlands* | Slovakia* |
Argentina* | Denmark* | Jamaica | New Zealand* | Slovenia* |
Australia* | Dominican Republic* | Japan* | Nicaragua* | South Africa* |
Austria* | Ecuador | Jordan* | Nigeria | South Korea |
Bahamas | Egypt | Kazakhstan* | North America* | Spain* |
Bahrain | El Salvador* | Kenya* | Norway* | Sri Lanka |
Bangladesh | Estonia* | Kuwait | Oman | Sweden* |
Belgium* | Finland* | Kyrgyzstan* | Pakistan | Switzerland* |
Belize | France* | Laos | Panama* | Taiwan |
Bosnia* | Georgia* | Latvia* | Paraguay | Tanzania |
Brazil* | Germany* | Lebanon | Peru* | Thailand* |
Bulgaria* | Ghana | Lithuania* | Philippines* | Tunisia |
Cambodia | Greece* | Luxembourg* | Poland* | Turkey* |
Cameroon | Guatemala* | Macedonia* | Portugal* | UAE |
Canada* | Honduras | Malaysia* | Puerto Rico* | Uganda* |
Chile* | Hong Kong* | Malta* | Qatar | Ukraine* |
China* | Hungary* | Mauritius | Romania* | United Kingdom* |
Columbia* | Iceland* | Mexico* | Russia* | Uruguay |
Costa Rica | India | Monaco* | Saudi Arabia | Uzbekistan* |
Côte d'Ivoire | Indonesia* | Morocco | Senegal | Venezuela* |
Croatia* | Ireland* | Myanmar | Serbia* | Vietnam* |
Virgin Islands* | ||||
Zambia |
Albania* | Honduras | Pakistan |
Algeria | Hong Kong* | Panama* |
Argentina* | Hungary* | Paraguay |
Australia* | Iceland* | Peru* |
Austria* | India | Philippines* |
Bahamas | Indonesia* | Poland* |
Bahrain | Ireland* | Portugal* |
Bangladesh | Israel* | Puerto Rico* |
Belgium* | Italy* | Qatar |
Belize | Jamaica | Romania* |
Bosnia* | Japan* | Russia* |
Brazil* | Jordan* | Saudi Arabia |
Bulgaria* | Kazakhstan* | Senegal |
Cambodia | Kenya* | Serbia* |
Cameroon | Kuwait | Singapore* |
Canada* | Kyrgyzstan* | Slovakia* |
Chile* | Laos | Slovenia* |
China* | Latvia* | South Africa* |
Columbia* | Lebanon | South Korea |
Costa Rica | Lithuania* | Spain* |
Côte d'Ivoire | Luxembourg* | Sri Lanka |
Croatia* | Macedonia* | Sweden* |
Cyprus* | Malaysia* | Switzerland* |
Czech* | Malta* | Taiwan |
Denmark* | Mauritius | Tanzania |
Dominican Republic* | Mexico* | Thailand* |
Ecuador | Monaco* | Tunisia |
Egypt | Morocco | Turkey* |
El Salvador* | Myanmar | UAE |
Estonia* | Namibia | Uganda* |
Finland* | Netherlands* | Ukraine* |
France* | New Zealand* | United Kingdom* |
Georgia* | Nicaragua* | Uruguay |
Germany* | Nigeria | Uzbekistan* |
Ghana | North America* | Venezuela* |
Greece* | Norway* | Vietnam* |
Guatemala* | Oman | Virgin Islands* |
Zambia |